65 year old male patient with right sided hemiparesis
CASE: A 65 YEARS OLD MALE came to the OPD with: CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Difficulty in lifting right upper limb and lower limb since 3days. Deviation of angle of mouth towards right since 3days. Difficulty in swallowing liquids and solids since 3 days Fever since 5 days, not associated with chills and rigors, vomitings, headache . Cough since 3 days, productive in nature. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years ago then he had dinner around 8pm and slept, at 2pm he woke up to pass urine he suddenly fell in the bathroom following which he had right side hemiparesis for which he went to a private hospital and was diagnosed with CVA and HYPERTENSION, given medication and discharged. The patient took ?medications for 1year and stopped taking them, took physiotherapy for 1 month it took 3months to walk but did not recover completely and since then uses cane to walk. The patient was started on ANTI HYPERTENSIVES ? which he used for one year. N...